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About US

The EU Scholarship Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community is implemented by the Goethe-Institut. This Programme’s objective is to provide the Turkish Cypriot community with broad education opportunities within the European Union and enhance the connection with the Programme’s alumni and the EU while assisting the alumni with further professional development.

Eu Scholarship Programme 2023/24 Academic Year Award Ceremony



What a proud moment! On September 8th, we came together to honor the EU Scholarship Programme 2023/24 scholars.

With pride and happiness, we witnessed a gathering of extraordinary talent, dedication, and promise. Our scholars are set to embark on a journey that will transform their lives and contribute to a brighter, more innovative future.
#euburs #EUScholarship #events #studyineurope

Eu Scholarship Programme 2023/24 Academic Year Award Ceremony

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About US

The EU Scholarship Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community is implemented by the Goethe-Institut. This Programme’s objective is to provide the Turkish Cypriot community with broad education opportunities within the European Union and enhance the connection with the Programme’s alumni and the EU while assisting the alumni with further professional development.